Men Toupee Hair Color Chart

As for Hair Colors for Men's Toupee Hair System, we offer a variety of popular hair colors like: #1 Jet Balck, #1B Off Black, #2 Darkest Brown, #3 Dark Brown, #4 Medium Brown, #5 Medium Light Brown, #6 Light Brown, #7 Very Light Brown, #1B10 Off Black With 10% White, #1B20, #1B30, #1B40, #1B50, #1B65, #1B80, #17 Dark Ash Blonde, #18 Medium Blonde, #20 Light Ash Blonde, #22R Beige Blonde, #613 Platinum Blonde.

The stock status may changes everyday, please contact us to confirm the stock status if the color option shows "out of stock".

Do not hesitate to contact us if you can not find the hair color that matches your own hair perfectly! We accept customized hair color for your toupee.

Here is our Hair Color Chart For Men's Toupee below:

Men Toupee Hair Color Chart